Thursday, February 23, 2012

Walking Man

Brisbane is going to be one next month {GIANT tear}. I can't believe he is so big. He is a good crawler, so consequently he does not want to walk. He is also a big fraidy-cat so he keeps a firm grip on objects when standing. A week ago I got him to the point where he would stand up in the middle of the room and then sink to his bottom. Now he just skips the standing and goes straight to the bottom.

He got this awesome train for Christmas. It is a walker and also has a caboose that attaches for him to sit on. His siblings really like it. I really like it too until it is the end of the day and I am sick of the loud song it plays. Recently Brisbane has decided that he will walk behind it. And he is fast! The kids clap and cheer for him when he walks so he thinks he is hot stuff.

Mack really wants Brisbane to walk before he is one. Secretly, I am hoping so as well. It will be so much easier to go to the park and take the kids places when we can all walk. Even if it means three kids walking in different directions.

Mack is motivated by sheer competitiveness. Brisbane is kind of a scrawny guy. Short, skinny. Way below average in weight and height. At 9 months he was in the 14th percetile for weight. But if he starts walking before he is one he will have beaten out all of his little baby friends for Supreme Walker. (That really is a title.) I am not sure he is going to make it and if he doesn't it's ok with me. But we are looking forward to our little boy growing up, even if it does make his mom cry occassionally.

"Look Mom, one hand!"

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