Sunday, February 19, 2012

Former Life

Two Fridays ago we were at the park eating lunch with Mack. I was sitting with Brisbane at the picnic table and Mack was playing with the kids on the swings. I saw some young girl go over and start talking to Mack. Well I know that Mack has game with the younger ladies (since he snagged yours truly) so I had to go and stake my claim. When I got there I found out that she was the former foster 'sister' of Reese and Jessenia. She was there with another little girl that her parents are fostering. She recognized Reese and asked Mack to confirm that he was who she thought he was. She asked if she could give the kids hugs and we chatted for a bit. It was a totally random experience and not at all something that I was expecting.
I have thought about it a lot since then. We have now had the kids for four weeks. In a strange way it seems like they just arrived (since I still have no clue what I am doing) but also feels as if they have lived with us forever. It is strange to think about what their life was like before they knew us. You can tell that they have struggled with moving around a lot and being passed from family to family. They will often ask me when we are going somewhere, "Are you staying with us?" They don't want me to just drop them off and leave them. It is sad every time they ask.
I look forward to the day when they finally realize that they are stuck with us forever. Even more I look forward to having them sealed to use for eternity. We love our little kids so much. Even on the hard days.

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