Wednesday, February 22, 2012


As a mother I spend a lot of time shaking my head as my children do something I know is a bad idea. Usually they either also find out that it was a bad idea or have a lot of fun doing it and we all have to clean it up together.
I also need to admit that I am kind of a scardy-cat. I am afraid of lots of things. Just ask Mack. We can't even pray with the lights off because I am afraid of whatever might be under the bed (i.e. alligators). Some of my fears are pretty irrational (which I am sure you figured out while reading the previous sentence). I found out yesterday that I am afraid of dirt. I had the older kids play outside while Brisbane was taking his morning nap. I was inside working and I look out to see this....
my darling children (and Zippy) playing in the dirt. My skin started to crawl. The thought of the dirt on their pants and underneath their fingernails made me squirm. Worst of all, that dirt was on the palms of their hands. That makes me want to run and wash mine just thinking about it. {shudder}
But instead of telling the two cuties that they should not play in the dirt (you are probably thinking what else are they supposed to do in the back-dirt) I just let them get all good and dirtified. Aren't you proud of me?
They were so dirty that when Jessenia got a time out for throwing one of the lovely tennis ball cans at her brother's head I wouldn't even let her sit on the carpet. She had to sit on the tile, far enough from any walls that she wouldn't touch them.
When back-dirt time was over, we took a bath. It was very least for me.
So I guess I am still afraid. But if the kids aren't and they like dirt, might as well enjoy it. I think I probably liked playing in dirt at one point too. Gross!

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