Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vacation Day 6--More Family

My children only have one living Great-Grandparent.  It is my paternal Grandmother.  She lives pretty close to where we were staying and so we went over for a visit first thing in the morning.
 Grandma also got some toys out for the kids and this time they managed not to break anything in her house (thank goodness)!  It was a fun visit, I haven't seen my grandmother in some years and so it was nice to introduce her to the kids.
Then we went up Provo Canyon for some Family Fear Factor.  Good times.  JoLynn was in charge of the reunion this year and she did a bang up job on this one.  The kids had loads of fun and the weather was impeccable.
 I didn't see Jessenia most of the morning because she loves her cousins so much.  Yes, that means she did eventually warm up from the night before.  Above she is about to grab sticky-notes with a sticky lizard thing.  Her cousin Erica is helping (aka Erica is doing all of the work and Jessenia is clueless...hence the look on her face).
 Look at that grass!  The boys had a fun time running around in the beautiful, gorgeous, immaculate, heavenly green grass.  (Oh how I wish we had grass like that in Arizona!)
Reese and I did a challenge where we had to squirt shaving cream off Uncle Rand's face.  We were pretty good at it.  And even though our squirt gun ran out of water, we were declared the winner for removing the most shaving cream.  Good job Reese!
After Fear Factor we went back to the house for lunch and then it was off to _________'s Got Talent (No, the blank is not for an innappropriate word.  I go to great pains to not put our last name on our blog).
We asked the kids if they wanted to sing in the Talent Show.  To my surprise they both said yes.  We were pretty sure that we would get up there and neither one of them would sing or at least Reese would not.  We practiced a few songs and let them pick which ones they wanted to do.  Jessenia chose "I Am A Child of God" and Reese chose "Itsy Bitsy Spider".
When it was their turn, I took them both on the stage.  I had Jessenia go first because I didn't even think Reese would sing, much less sing first.  Jessenia was really quiet but it was so sweet.  I got a little misty.  She even sang the chorus all by herself.
Then it was Reese's turn.  I was nervous.  But he did it.  He even sang loud enough for people to hear and did an awesome job.  I was super proud of both of them.  Mack tried to get it on video so if I ever figure out how to get videos onto my computer, I may post it.
It was another good day with family.  I was very proud of my kids.  They amaze me and inspire me everyday.  When I grow up I hope to be just like them.

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