Sunday, July 15, 2012

Movie Star

At dinner tonight Reese asked, "What movie are we watching for Family Night tonight?"  First of all sonny-boy, Family Night is Monday night.  Second of all, we don't watch movies at Family Night.  We watch movies at Movie Night, and that is Friday Night.
We do occasionally watch Veggie Tales or church movies on Sundays but usually we are at my sister in laws house for dinner and don't have time.  However, Reese has pink eye and so we are home today.    Reese's question got me thinking about church movies, which automatically brought my mind to Johnny Lingo, "Mohana, you ugly!"
Then follow my train of thought from there.  When I was a child we owned the church videos in these awesome brownish-red VHS boxes.  It was fairly common to pop in a little Johnny Lingo at our house.  On the same VHS though was a gem of a video called "Go Ye Into All the World".  It is based on a talk by President Kimball, and it is O.L.D.  Well this video is significant because it stars my mother.  And by "stars" I mean she is in it for five seconds.  If you ever visit my parent's house (and their children are home), you will be subjected to watching my mother's motion picture debut.  But since you can't all go visit my parents, I am bringing the video to you.

She is the beauty just after the 3:00 mark, looking slightly like me, and has on a yellow shirt and a brownish jacket.  Look at the center of the screen as the people are walking down the street towards the camera, then she walks off screen stage left.  Enjoy!
My father saw this video at a Priesthood Meeting when it was first released.  He came home and told my mom.  She had no idea that she was being filmed that day.  Apparently, it was filmed before she and my dad were even married.  And the rest is family history!

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