I wish my two year old was more eloquent so she could answer that question for me.
Jessenia was semi-potty trained when we adopted her. (aka. Not. Potty. Trained.) She has the basic idea and she doesn't usually have accidents during the night (knock on wood) but she does seem to have an accident at least once a day. I know, I know, I should be grateful. But instead I am grumpy about it. I am trying to decide if Pull-Ups for the rest of eternity would be such a bad option for her. I can ask her if she needs to go potty. She answers 'no'. Then five minutes later she has an accident. Ugh!
I fear leaving the confines of my house where I have all necessary items in case an accident occurs. I fear my child sitting in a shopping cart and beginning to relieve herself all over the cart, the floor beneath, and (heaven forbid) the items in the cart. I fear that no matter how many items I throw in my car in case of an emergency it won't be enough.
Who would have guessed that she would choose to have three accidents in one day? Try in one two hour stretch? Try standing up at her aunt's house soaking wet all down her pants, undies, socks, AND shoes. I fear these experiences constantly. When I am thinking between venturing out to stretch our legs for some unnecessary errand I think of these things and it usually tips the scale towards staying home. We don't get out much.
Now you are asking why I have included this darling picture of my children on a slide. Because this picture was taken on a glorious Arizona winter/spring day when Mack was home from school and we treated ourselves to lunch out and a little play time. Because this picture is the only picture I got before my sweet two year old had an accident that cut all fun short. Yep. We got to go home. I had to put one of Brisbane's diapers on her (she was less than thrilled) and we went home.
Awww, the joys of potty training.
We will just try again tomorrow. Hey! Maybe it will be our first accident free day. :)
P.S. This is not an invitation for potty training advice. I don't take advice well (ask anyone who knows me). :)
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