Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Our kids L.O.V.E. trains.  In fact, I believe that Reese has a very unhealthy obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine.  Today he asked me if we were going to get to watch the show Thomas the Tank Engine (we check shows out from the library and they get to watch one a day while I cook dinner).  I told him that it was my turn to pick the show and I was not and will never choose Thomas the Tank Engine.  Have you ever watched one of those things?  I thought Spongebob killed brain cells.  This is worse.  The trains aren't even very nice to each other and it is the same story over and over and over.  (Sorry about that tangent.)Reese wanted to know why I wasn't going to choose Thomas (shocker, he wants to know the why about everything.  He asked me the other day what was inside carrots.  Umm...carrots?).  I told him that I didn't enjoy Thomas the show very much but it was ok if he did.  Then he said, "I really like Thomas.  And I am going to really like Thomas when I am older too."  I hope he does.  His wife (or his three year old) will be thrilled!
Yesterday I got out our collection of wooden train sets.  Reese had some when they came to live with us and my mother and I added some to his collection.  They don't get to play with the trains every day because they make a huge mess and Reese complains a lot about Brisbane destroying (foreshadowing).  Reese hadn't asked for them in a while so I surprised him by getting them down and setting them up in the living room (normally he has to play with them in his room behind a baby gate...which he hates!).  I told him that since I was the one to get them out, everyone got to play with them equally and no whining if Brisbane destroyed it, we would just fix it.

 We started out with all smiles!
 Except for this little gem.  This is what Jessenia did when I told her to open her eyes.  Ummm....do you think we need to work on body parts some more?
 There was some discrepency over who got to play with James (he is that red train Reese is holding for those who are not well versed in Thomas) but I think we got it sorted out.
 Brisbane managed to stay out of trouble for about ten seconds.  That lid was only ten seconds of fascinating.  I was hoping for five minutes of fascinating.
 Then Destructo-Boy showed up.
 But the kids took it like champs and played on the parts he wasn't destroying.  Then I fixed it as Brisbane moved around the track.
And then Reese and Jessenia shoved Brisbane into the bin.  Not really.  He decided the lid wasn't all that interesting, but getting inside was AWESOME!

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