Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First Day of Preschool

After a week and a half of waiting from a very not so patient four year old, the first day of preschool finally arrived.  Jessenia is going to an in-home preschool this year since I had a few issues with her school at the end of last year.  Her teacher came highly recommended and even though it is still 20 minutes from our house (same as last year) it was the closest/cheapest/best I could find.  Jessenia still calls it her "Preschool House".  As in, "At my Preschool House today, we...".  I guess because last year she went to preschool at a church so it was more of an official building and this year she goes in a house.
 Here she is with Brisbane (to avoid the tantrum....sensing a pattern here?).
And there is her big smile for her first day!  She loves going to school and loves everything about it.  She is learning tons and brings home the cutest little projects. 
One Preschool Story for you:
Jessenia has become quite the jabber box in the last six months.  Mack and I can't believe this is the same little girl who would not even speak to Mack when she first came to live with us.  Seriously, if she ever spoke to him it was so quiet that he couldn't hear.  I spent the first six months translating because she would sit on his lap and tell me what she was saying in a clear voice but wouldn't talk to him.  Her teacher tells me that she is not shy at all at school and is a "perfect preschooler".  That's my Girl!
When she gets in the car after school, she always has a million things to tell me.  All about what she learned, what she had for snack, who got a time out, where the blue group sat, where the red group sat, and on and on.  This particular day they had learned the number two and so she had an Indian headband thing on with two feathers in it.  Reese asked her what it was and she told him she was an Indian. 
Reese:  You don't look like an Indian.
Me:  Jessenia, you are the cutest Indian I have ever seen.
Reese:  You don't look like an Indian.
Me:  Jessenia, you are the cutest Indian I have ever seen.
Reese:  You do NOT look like an Indian.
Me:  Reese!  Back off, dude!
Then I muttered to myself that she not only looks like an Indian but since she is full blooded Guatemalan, she IS of Indian descent.  And let's face it, she looks more like an Indian than any of those blonde haired blue eyed kids in her class that were wearing the exact same headband.  But Reese is the authority on all things Indians and Chicken Killing apparently.  Good Grief!

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