Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Valentine's Day

We celebrated Valentine's Day a week late this year.  Our kids don't know the difference, they just think that there are fifteen different Valentine's Days between preschool and home.  We were driving to Snowflake on the real Valentine's Day and so to maximize the fun, we decided to celebrate it late when Mack was back from his rotation.
 Heart shaped cinnamon rolls for breakfast this year.  I consider that a major step up from the heart shaped toast and honey I gave them last year.  Plus it was no harder to make than regular cinnamon rolls.
 Despite that face, Brisbane liked them.
 And the other kids must have liked them too.  I mean look at Jessenia, she is eating hers like a cave woman. (And yes, we did offer to cut it up for her.  And yes, she declined.)
 Then began our yearly scavenger hunt for the Valentine's.  We were hoping they would be slightly better at it this year.  Jessenia seemed quick to understand that even if you don't see it the first time, you just need to look harder.  Brisbane obviously improved because this year he could walk.  And Reese...
 let's just say that he looked at the television for a good minute before he realized that just because it wasn't taped to the front, it might still be there.  It was hilarious.
 This is them looking for the car.  Zippy is wondering what is wrong with them and why are they in the kitchen.  Fair point, Zip, fair point.
See it taped to the passenger window?  Yeah, they didn't.
 Jessenia got the slide, lickety-split.
 The fridge one was also tricky, even though you can see the card righ under Jessenia's nose there.
 But drawing a bed on the card totally blew their minds.  Most of them wanted to give up after the first bed.
 But they kept looking...
 Until finally...
I got smart this time and put each of their things in their own bag and then labelled each of their items with their names.  Santa needs to take a lesson from me, labelling the candy is way better because it gets confusing ten minutes later when some are empty, some are half empty, and some are full.  Inevitably the owner of the empty candy is going to claim that the full one is theirs.  What can I say?  Momma didn't raise any dummies in this house!
Another successful Valentine's Day.  No craft this year, but it had been a long month without Mack and we went a little more low key.  This year I think I am embracing low key.  And it feels good.

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