Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween, Part 2

The weekend before Halloween was the Ward Trunk-or-Treat Extravaganza.  Our Ward puts on a pretty mean Halloween Party.  We didn't participate in any of the chili cooking off or costume contests, but had fun fraternizing with the Ward Members.
 I love that Reese and Jessenia walk around holding hands when they are totally overwhelmed.  They have always had one thing their whole life that they can remember, and that is each other.  I hope that they always remain each other's best friend.
 Here are the cuties standing in line to get a free treat, I mean to pretend to play a game and then get a free treat.
 Brisbane's favorite game was the cupcake walk.  We were partners, because let's face it....that Gentleman Bug had no idea how to play.  We may have cheated to win that cupcake, but since we had been playing longer than most of the other players and hadn't won yet, we felt it was well deserved.  Is it really cheating if when they call the number 10 and nobody is sitting in the 10 chair we are the first to run over and sit in it?  I didn't think so.
Mom with all of the kids before they are about to go Trunk to Trunk and get their treats.  They may not have known what Halloween was a week before this, but it didn't take them long to figure out that it is awesome!
Grandma and Grandpa Peterson went to the Ward Party with us and I bemoan the fact that I got no pictures with them.  I am really bad at taking pictures with is a goal of mine over Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Grandparents, did you hear that!?  Consider yourself warned!

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