Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Halloween Night

I am so behind on my blogging.  I am finally getting around to finishing up Halloween posts and then I have to go back and do a few more October highlights.
We weren't sure that the kids were going to get to go Trick or Treating.  I was not wanting to take them out on my own.  Trick or Treating is a Dad job.  I don't know why.  Probably because my dad always took us Trick or Treating.  Staying home and eating, I mean passing out candy is a Mom job.
Mack worked really late on Halloween and got stuck in heinous traffic on the way home.  He made it about an hour before bedtime and committed to taking the kids down one street.
 Here is Dad and the big kids about to go out.
This is the only picture that Brisbane would tolerate being in.  Plus it is a much needed Zippy appearance on the blog.  We are loving our Zippy these days.
They weren't gone very long but when they got back I was surprised at how much candy they had.  Mack said the street behind us was a raucous of a time, with all the neighbors sitting on the driveways having a blast.  One family had set up a Haunted House even.  Our kids were the only little little kids he saw and people thought they were so cute, they were getting fistfuls of candy each.
The kids were obviously thrilled.  I was happy for them but as the weeks have worn on I am getting sick of Halloween candy.  I am thinking of throwing it away and telling them that Zippy ate it all.  She can't talk so I figure it will be ok.  (If you read this blog and don't know me, I wouldn't do that...tempting, but no.  I will however, eat my kids candy since they have no concept of which is the good stuff.)
After this year, I have decided I am a total Halloween Scrooge.  We got about 20 trick or treaters and they were mostly older kids.  Older in the sense that if they were my child, they would under no circumstances be out trick or treating.  One child even had the audacity to come into my house and pet my dog.  Weirdee.  I told Mack I was only giving one piece of candy to big kids.  They should have to walk farther for their candy, one piece at a time.  Yep.  We had a lot of candy left over.  Don't you even worry about it, I have taken care of it nicely since then.

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