Monday, April 8, 2013


Reese and Jessenia's preschool had a Jog-A-Thon fundraiser.  It was pretty cute.  I made them call their Grandma and beg her for money.  Then my mother and I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how many laps a three and four year old could possibly do around a 400 yard course.  It was comical.  I am pretty sure we involved my mathematically inclined father at some point.  But really, who could predict?  How fast will they run?
Brisbane and I went to volunteer the day of the event.  We had to put tally marks on papers taped to the kids' backs each time they completed a lap.  Let's just say it wasn't rocket science.  Some kids missed getting a mark and some kids got double marked from two adults.  But it was for a good cause, so who cares?
 Here they are getting ready to start.  Jessenia looks terrified, but I assure you she is not.
 Reese was a really great runner.  He definately was one of the fastest and it helped that his mother was there to motivate him.
 Jessenia is more of a social runner.  She is just there for the good time, and the coordinating running outfit.
 I mean, I don't think the tongue out of the mouth is considered great running form, but it worked for her.  She actually ended up with only 5 laps less than Reese.  But based on the non-scientific nature of the tally system, who knows how close that really is to aaccurate.
 After the run, all of the kids got a little medal.
 Reese wore his medal that said, "Winner", all over the place for the next few weeks.  He showed it off when we went to our friend's house.  He was very proud of his accomplishment.  Although dissappointed that he had to give the money to preschool and it didn't go in the Disneyland jar.
 Jessenia also earned a medal. 
She was just as excited about her medal as Reese, she just had a harder time keeping her hands on it.  I am pretty sure I found it on the floor one night after clean-up time was over and the kids were in bed and promptly chucked it in the garbage.
I was declared super star mother of the event.  One of the other moms turned to me and said, "You are like the cool Mom at school".  I was pretty much never cool when I was in school, so if I can obtain cool status now, that would be great.  I hated to let her in on my secret, that you just need to learn all of the kid's names and cheer for them.  Than they will want you to write their tally mark for them.  Can we all say cool, or what?

1 comment:

  1. Your posts give me such a good laugh, I love your sense of humor :)
