Thursday, August 8, 2013

Reese's Birthday

In order to not make Jessenia feel bad, we also celebrated Reese's birthday on the wrong day.  Mack was leaving for a rotation in Snowflake and wouldn't be in town for Reese's actual birthday and so we celebrated just a few days early.
 Here is our big kid with all of his gifts.
 Reese was so excited to get a replacement puppy for the one that he lost.  Unfortunately said puppy's ears have fallen off twice and he has gotten multiple holes in less than a month.  So Rascal (Reese's name for him) went into the garbage and we are on a quest for a new Rascal ASAP.
 Reese got lots of gifts that he was super excited about.  They basically fell into one category....Cars!
Funny story:  In the above picture, Reese is holding a box that contains a massive car ramp (Disney Cars themed).  It has these little cars that race down it.  It's a pretty cool toy, although a little precarious when put together.  I set it up for him after he was in bed that night and he got to play with it the next day.  Jessenia came up to me and said, "Mom?  I forgot that I wanted a giant car ramp for my birthday."  Nice try, Missy.  You didn't forget, you are just having gift envy (even though less than a month earlier she was perfectly satisfied with all her presents).  I had to call my mom and tell her that next year I am just getting three of all the same gifts and giving them to each child on their birthday.  It will save a lot of drama later (and will make gift shopping much easier).
 I set this track up quickly while Mack worked on the more complicated toys.
 We are learning that as kids get older, their toys get more complicated.  Ugh. I will add that to my list of reasons that my kids are not allowed to grow up any more.
In a truly grown up move, Reese chose an actual sit down restaurant for his birthday dinner.  Downside: Much more expensive.  Upside:  We got to go to a real restaurant.  Upside Wins!  Thank you, Reese.  We went to BJ's (one of his mother's favorite places)... delicious.  I am pretty sure the only reason he picked it, was because it has a revolving door.  In fact when we asked him where he wanted to go, he said, "To the place with the door that spins".  Good thing Mack knew what he was talking about.  The mind of a five year old...
 Lots of candles to blow out! <wink>
Reese asked for a Finn McMissle cake (he is a character on Disney's Cars 2).  I am just not capable of that and so all along I was just planning on buying some toy cars and making sure Finn McMissle made an appearance.  Of course I was shamed when the wife of a friend of mine made her son a cake shaped like Lightning McQueen (another character from Disney's Cars).  It was awesome.  I asked my friend if she would fly down and make a cake for Reese, but since it was only a few days before my Finn McMissle cake was needed and I wasn't offering any monetary compensation, I was laughed at.  (I know, the nerve of some people :)). 
When Reese saw the cake he was totally disappointed (which did make me feel bad, but there was nothing I could do).  Jessenia was sure to point out though that Finn McMissle was indeed on the cake.  Thanks Sis, you are always in my court.  Of course he got over it and now he is thrilled that he has four new cars to play with.  I have refrained from rubbing it in that if I had made a cake shaped like Finn McMissle, he wouldn't still be playing with it a month later.  Boo-yah!
We love our Reese and his spunky personality.  We may not always see eye to eye (he told me right around his birthday, "I make my own rules and those are the only rules I follow".) but he is one big bundle of love.  This kid gives the best  squeezes and is always ready to discuss any and everything going on around him.  I love his curious mind and can't wait for the adventures that being five will bring.

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