Monday, July 1, 2013


Brisbane landed in the ER in April with swollen lymph nodes and adenoids.  Apparently they were so swollen that they were cutting off his windpipe.  Kind of a major problem.  We spent three very hectic days in the hospital and were grateful for friends and family who watched our kids so Mack and I could tag team the Brisbane Situation. 
This resulted in Brisbane having to get him tonsils removed in early June.
We started noticing this Spring that Jessenia seemed to have some issues hearing.  I thought she was just a bit flighty and willfully ignoring her parents to boot.  But then when Reese started getting on her case for not hearing him when they were playing, I knew we had a problem.  One visit to the ENT and it was confirmed that she had massive fluid behind her eardrums.  That combined with super large tonsils and we had an issue.  She would also need her tonsils removed and tubes put in her ears. 
So two weeks after Brisbane's surgery, Jessenia had hers.  June was the month of Tonsillectomies!
How did it go?  It was basically miserable for everyone.  Brisbane was unhappy and wouldn't eat anything, which made him even more unhappy.  He got fully better about two days before Jessenia went in and then we started all over.  Jessenia wouldn't eat and she slept awful for the first week.
But we did all survive the experience and now have two less kids with tonsils.  (For the record, Reese is incredibly grateful that he did not have to have his tonsils out even if it meant slightly less ice cream consumption for him compared with the others.)  Now we hopefully won't land in the ER with a child struggling to breathe and Jessenia can hear me when I tell her to go change her clothes.  Also we now have two less people in our house that snore like truck drivers.
One last mostly related story:  Mack took the kids to church one Sunday that I was sick at home.  He came home and told me that Brisbane had fallen asleep in Sacrament Meeting and was snoring.  I didn't think much of it since Mack didn't make too big a deal of it.  Then I went to visit a lady in our ward who told me that not only was Brisbane snoring but he was snoring so loudly that members of the congregation were turning around to see where the old man that had fallen asleep was and why nobody was waking him up.  Brisbane was laying on the pew so nobody could see him.  Apparently our little boy caused quite a scene.
Thankfully, not anymore.  So what about the picture of the tunnels connected in a circle?  That's what desperate parents do to entertain kids who can't leave the house because one of the siblings is so miserable.  That's right.  All three of our children are inside those tunnels.  We are expecting our Parents of the Year Awards any day now.

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