I wasn't sure this was something I was ever going to get to say: I am pregnant!
Mack and I are expecting twins, due January 17th. I am currently 12 weeks along. And we couldn't be more thrilled!
It has been a long road to pregnancy for us. Several low tech fertility treatments, one surgery, three adoptions, and one round of invitro fertilization later (all over a four year span) and we finally did it.
Here is a picture of our two little embryos before they were implanted back into me:
Yes, that is our kids sitting in a petri dish. How many people can say they have a picture of that?Whenever we have told people that we are having twins we get that look of, "oh, I am so sorry". We're not. We really couldn't be happier. I told Mack before we started invitro that if we did it, we were going to end up with twins. I think he didn't take me too seriously. But neither of us were all that surprised when the doctor told us there were two.
How many kids does this make!? Yes, we realize this means that we will have five kids five and under. I am slightly terrified by that thought. But at the same time, wouldn't have it any other way. We have been blessed beyond measure with the way in which each of our children has come into our family and we are equally as excited to add two more to the crew.
Do your kids know? Yes! We aren't the type of parents who are very good at lying to our children. When Mack was giving me up to five shots a night, the kids were a bit curious. So we told them that we were trying to get pregnant. I think they think babies come from shots. We aren't correcting that misconception yet. Depending on the day and the child, they are mostly excited to be getting babies in the family. Reese and Jessenia have come up with some doozy of name choices for the little tykes. My favorite by far is "Juice". Unfortunatly it didn't make the short list, sorry Jessenia.
When do we find out the gender? The day the twins are born. We want it to be a suprise. I always imagined not knowing & even though Mack has been tempted to find out because it is twins, I am sticking to my guns. If this is my only chance to be pregnant, we are doing it my way. (And for the record, Mack isn't at all upset about this plan.)
How am I feeling? Great! I went into pregnancy thinking I would be sickest most miserable person in the universe because of my history of IBS. Then adding the prospect of twins with double doses of hormones and I thought we were in for a wild ride. But I have been pleasantly surprised. Sure, I don't feel great all the time. But I really can't complain. It has been dreamy in comparison to what I thought I would be like.
Are we done? I have always said that I want 9 kids. We are on a take it one (or two) kids at a time basis. We will just have to wait and see.
This journey to pregnancy has been a very spiritual one for our family. We recognize our Heavenly Father's plan and His will in each of our lives. We are thankful for the blessings that we recieve and still have faith in Him despite the struggles in our lives and the lives of those around us. We pray for all of our friends who are struggling to concieve and/or adopt. We hope that you feel the love of the Savior in your life, regardless of your current place in your journey.