Monday, July 1, 2013


Brisbane is in a bit of a stage with getting his diaper changed.  We have to go through all sorts of antics to keep him from fighting us and rolling off the changing table.  This usually involves myself, Reese, and Jessenia running around with "Diaper Hats" on.  Who would have thought that Pampers was brilliant to print Sesame Street characters on their diapers?  I often resort to showing Brisbane all of the character options and letting him choose one.  Apparently it matters whether Ernie or Big Bird is gracing your bum.
This day I talked Brisbane into a diaper change by letting him wear his shorts on his head.
 What can I say?  Desperate times call for desperate measures.
 Reese and Jessenia went through about a week long phase where they went to 'school' everyday.  Reese took this new game very seriously and wore his backpack everywhere.  Lunch.  Watching tv. Playing cars.  In the above picture he is doing his Kindergarten Prep workbook pages.  I thought it was too cute with the backpack and Uncle David's combat hat.
 Last time we went to Costco I let Reese think that he got to pick something special since he had to walk and the other two got to ride in the cart.  I was already going to buy those Drumsticks but when I asked Reese, "Do you think we should get those?" and he said, "Yes!", he definately felt like he had been the deciding factor in ice cream or no ice cream.
 But that was only the beginning of the fun.  Who knew that Brisbane would (barely) fit in that box?  Reese dutifully pushed him around while making train noises.
Like I said, it was a tight squeeze.  So the box was fun and the ice cream was delicious.  Win Win!

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