Friday, May 31, 2013


It would not be unusual for Brisbane to come up to me at any given moment and say, "Mom, I want porn". 
Now before we all get nervous about the moral compass in my household, let's remember that Brisbane is only two.  We are still working on certain areas of his speech.  Pronouncing multi-syllabic words is a bit of a problem for him.  Combine that with his new love affair of popcorn, and we have a slight problem.
My mother introduced him to the joys of popcorn at Target and now he can't get enough of it.  He walks around asking for "porn" all the time.
We realized that this was not just cute but a real problem when in nursery on Sunday he asked for the "Porn Song".  Gives a whole new meaning to "Popcorn Popping" doesn't it!?
So now we are giving him some intense speech therapy in an attempt to at least pronounce this one word correctly.  I think we are making good progress.  Just don't be alarmed if he asks you for "porn" and know that he likes it salted and with butter.

1 comment:

  1. "Don't be alarmed if he asks you for "porn" and know that he likes is salted and with butter."


    I love you. i love Brisbane. Also, I looooove Target popcorn! i don't blame the kid for wanting some o' that all day, every day!
