Thursday, October 4, 2012


After dinner last night I wanted to do a little something fun with the kids for a treat.  They were really good yesterday and I thought we had all earned it.  So I taught them a really healthy habit from my childhood.
 That's right.  My daughter is learning to spread chocolate icing on saltine crackers.  Most of Jessenia's icing didn't actually make it on her crackers.  She went straight from the knife to her mouth.

 Reese on the other hand put all of the icing on his first cracker so that he had to ask for more for his second.  Smart kid.
 I iced Brisbane's crackers and he decided that the most effective way to eat them was icing first.
 It worked out ok.  And by ok, I mean he was adorable.  I am just not sure how much of the icing he actually got into his mouth.
 Then we had to do a taste test to determine if saltine crackers or graham crackers were better.
It was unanimously decided that graham crackers and chocolate icing are better than saltines with chocolate icing.

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